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Distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant

(InN) - This distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant is a holistic training program aimed at all people who are interested in naturopathy. The program will provide you with detailed and well-grounded knowledge so that you will eventually be able to practice as a self-employed holistic dietary and / or health consultant who can conduct individualized, holistic counselling at the highest level.

Aktualisiert: 05 Mai 2024

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Distance learning course to become a dietary consultant

This training program to become a nutrition consultant is offered in the form of a distance learning course. The German training program that this course is based on, has been recently approved by the German agency for the assessment and accreditation of distance learning courses, the Staatliche Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht ZFU.

The ZFU checks whether an educational program fulfills the requirements of the federal laws concerned with distance learning courses (i.e., the Fernunterrichtschutzgesetz [FernUSG]) and whether such a program is suited as a distance learning course with regards to its content and its didactical approach.

Additionally, this agency also checks whether the goals of a given distance learning program are generally achievable, whether the occupational goals are conforming to the legal requirements and whether the information material and the contract fulfill legal regulations.

On top of that, the distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant has been certified by the Zentrum der Gesundheit.

If you answer the following questions with "Yes", then you should definitely take a look at the trial modules:

  1. You are interested in naturopathy and keen to learn more about your body?
  2. You are going for a new path in your career that you can enjoy and that will leave you happy and satisfied by opening up undreamed-of possibilities?
  3. You are searching for a comprehensive educational program to become a holistic health consultant?
  4. You are already working in the health sector?
  5. You are a therapist and want to broaden or deepen your knowledge of nutrition physiology and / or naturopathy?
  6. You want to practice as a self-employed, holistically educated dietary consultant?

In this case, you’ve come to the right place!

What distinguishes this distance learning course from other programs?

It is the holistic approach to a healthy diet and lifestyle that is in the focus of the distance learning program as offered by the International Institute of Naturopathy. We do not champion one PARTICULAR diet, but rather provide you with a completely different, holistic, and individual perspective – in contrast to conventional dietary consultation.

An educational program suitable for both laymen and therapists

The training program to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant provides both the laymen interested in naturopathy and people already working in the health care industry (e.g., therapists interested in broadening and deepening their knowledge with regards to dietary consultation) with…

  1. … well-grounded knowledge of dietary naturopathy
  2. … the ability to devise individual and effective diet plans for improving the health-related status quo
  3. … deep insights into the core principles of naturopathy
  4. … a comprehensive knowledge of holistic health care
  5. … the skills needed in order to offer consultations at the highest level.

Contrary to what you would generally expect from a distance learning course, this program to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant is structured in a multi-faceted, varied, interesting and vivid way. The information is presented in a highly comprehensible manner and is usually accompanied by descriptive examples so that reading and learning is both fun and exciting.

Re-training to become a dietary consultant

The training program as offered by the International Institute of Naturopathy is, thus, very well suited as a measure of re-training. If you have already enjoyed an occupational training – ideally in the realms of health, nursing, health care, wellness, fitness etc. – a re-training or further education to become a dietary consultant is highly recommendable for you.

In this case, you can build on your previous knowledge stemming from your current occupation and expand it with a completely new specialist field – i.e., holistic dietary consultation. Depending on the amount of time you are willing and able to invest on a weekly basis, you will be able to complete the program within 16 months.

If you previously worked in a completely unrelated field in which you don’t feel at home anymore for whatever reason, you could think about taking this re-training measure to open up new possibilities for your professional future. The occupation of a holistically trained dietary advisor has very good occupational prospects and its prestige is ever-growing. So there is no doubt that you will be a much asked for coach with regard to holistic health prevention and healthy eating.

The re-training to become a nutrition advisor will be a bit more time-consuming for people who cannot build on previous knowledge. Due to the flexibility the didactical concept of the InN offers, you can take up to 22months to successfully complete this program.

Did we awaken your interest?

For detailed information on the training program please visit the following link: Nutrition-Consultant-Schedule

Read what former and current students have to say about their experiences with this training program in the feedback section here: Feedbacks

Don´t forget to take a look at the trial chapter of the distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant.

For further information please visit our web page: Information Brochure - Institute of Naturopathy

Sincerely yours, InN-Team


  1. International Institute of Naturopathy

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